Boxcooler cleaning on the anchorage - Albwardy Damen
29 May 2019

Boxcooler cleaning on the anchorage

In focus: ✔Underwatership repair ✔UAE anchorages ✔Albwardy Damen Diving ✔Albwardy Damen Fujairah


Albwardy Damen Diving was contracted to clean box coolers on one of the UAE anchorages. The vessel Bourbon Evolution 807 was equipped with 32 box coolers.

Operations started at first light with six divers and three technicians. Due to the size of the project we used two HP water jet machines both port and starboard side of the vessel.

Safety is our number one priority and upon completing diving standard procedures, two teams simultaneously commenced photo inspection and conducted opening of window gratings-wells and cleaning procedure commenced.

HP cleaning of all boxcoolers took four days and results were to full satisfaction of the owners with costs much less than docking the vessel.

Completing the task, the team performed a thorough inspection of all gratings of the main engine’s box coolers to ensure no irregularities found and finally secured it with locking pins. These were done with complete photos captioned during the entire course of cleaning procedures.