In-House 3D scanning - Albwardy Damen
2 May 2019

In-House 3D scanning

In focus: ✔3D scanning✔Ballast Water Treatment Systems ✔Scrubbers ✔Retrofit solutions ✔Albwardy Damen Sharjah


Albwardy Damen has procured Laser Scanner ‘FARO Focus S70’ for 3D scanning. With the ratification of long due Ballast Water Convention and IMO global sulphur limitation from 1st January 2020, a substantial number of ships are installing Ballast Water Treatment Systems and Scrubbers. A retrofit of these systems inside an already congested engine room is a big challenge for owners and 3D scanning method is widely used to scan the area for feasibility study and complete engineering for installation. Besides these jobs, 3D scanning is also used for general scanning on board, anywhere in the Vessel for any specific work in the area like pipe routings and renewal, modifications, new equipment installations etc.