Sharjah operations - Albwardy Damen
10 Jan 2018

Sharjah operations

In focus: ✔ Ship repairs ✔Albwardy Damen Sharjah ✔Complex piping jobs ✔Propeller and propeller shaft repairs ✔Cargo system modifications ✔Hydraulic works ✔Switch board modifications ✔Motor overhauls & re-winding ✔Thrusters and engines overhauls ✔CPP shafts ✔ Jack-up leg repairs

Marcel Van De Kreke

During 2017 we again have seen all kind and types of vessels and marine equipment passing our dry berths and quay-sides. Tankers, cargo and offshore vessels, tugs, yachts, pontoons and jack-ups are just some of the types that have found their way to the shipyard in Sharjah Hamriya throughout the year.

Apart from the steel and aluminum repairs we keep on increasing our in-house expertise. If we look at the specialised repairs works carried out in 2017 on the dry-berths as well at the quay-sides, we could create a list that would fill this complete magazine:

  • Jack-up leg repairs,

  • CPP shafts,

  • Thrusters and engines overhauls,

  • Generator and electrical motor overhauls & re-winding

  • Switch board modifications,

  • Hydraulic works,

  • Cargo system modifications,

  • Propeller and propeller shaft repairs

  • Complex piping jobs

All these jobs are carried out in-house by our dedicated Albwardy Damen teams. Doing it all in-house is a great support to owners during these challenging times for owners and operators.

In the last quarter of the year we have seen some interesting jobs. One project was the complex conversion and replacement of an offshore supply vessel’s complete cargo pipe systems. This was executed in constraint areas with the engineering and operational teams requested to work closely together to finish the job within the set time limits.

Due to the cooperation between the Albwardy Damen teams, the client superintendents, vessel crew and many others, we join forces to create the best repair results. For 2018, we set our targets for continuous improvement and ready for any repair job that may arise.